Arch Of Baal Locations 2019

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On September 26th the ' Triumphal Arch of Palmyra ' better known as the ' Temple of Baal ' will appear in Washington D.C. ' The Institute of Digital Archeology ' provides us with these details. This institute has revived this perversion and symbol of evil and they have paraded it around the world for a few years now. It seems to be all about timing and placement, and the sacrifices prior to and after the erection of the BAAL Arch, wherever it goes. Notice that the Arch was in Geneva April 12 – 27, 2019, while Notre Dame Paris, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and the churches in Sri Lanka were burning!!

The arch has been also been displayed at various locations around the world including New York City, London, and Dubai. However, some are calling the structure the 'Arch of.

On 26 September 2018, the Institute for Digital Archaeology unveiled a replica of Palmyra, Syria's iconic Triumphal Arch on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The following day, Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about sexual assault allegations stemming from their time in high school.

Although these two events had little connection to one another (other than taking place in the same city), web sites such as published articles which questioned the coincidental timing of the arch's appearance in Washington:

Is it just a coincidence that the 'Arch of Baal' has been erected in Washington D.C. on the exact same week that Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are testifying before Congress? The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is literally hanging in the balance, and many believe that it is quite odd that this ancient pagan symbol has been put up at this precise moment in time. According to the official website of the Institute for Digital Archaeology, the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it will remain there until September 29th. You can view a photograph of the arch standing directly in front of the U.S. Capitol building right here. Just one day after this arch was put up, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before Congress. Perhaps this is all just a 'giant coincidence', but things of this importance usually don't happen by accident.

The elite deeply understand that symbols have power, and the fact that the Arch of Baal has been placed directly across from the U.S. Capitol is highly significant.

The article went on to connect the Triumphal Arch, or Monumental Arch, which was built around 200 A.D. and served as an entrance way to the Temple of Bel, to ritualistic Baal worship and the sacrificing of children. Its appearance just before Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee was more than coincidental, the article argued, as Kavanaugh could be instrumental in making abortion illegal:

In the end, the debate over whether or not to confirm Brett Kavanaugh comes down to the issue of abortion, and this vote in the Senate is going to have tremendous implications for the future of our country …

We have murdered far more children than they ever did in the ancient Middle East, and our fate will be the same as theirs if we don't turn things around as a society.

And now an ancient symbol of child sacrifice has been erected directly across from the U.S. Capitol at the precise moment when the future of the U.S. Supreme Court is hanging in the balance.

Is this just a coincidence?

While the author of this article may see the Triumphal Arch as some sort of symbol related to abortion laws and a seat on the Supreme Court, American politics aren't the focus of the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA).

The IDA uses state-of-the-art technology to replicate ancient structures as part of their mission to preserve our collective cultural heritage. When the Monumental Arch in Syria was destroyed by Islamic State extremists in August 2015, the IDA set off to recreate a portion of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

IDA founder Roger Michel said that his intention for recreating this famous arch was to show the Islamic State that anything they blew up could be rebuilt:

Oxford's Institute for Digital Archaeology is the creation of American lawyer/archaeologist Roger Michel, with help from Harvard and Dubai. Michel is currently using similar technology to Rutelli's — better, he claims — to build a 3D facsimile arch from Palmyra's destroyed Temple of Bel. It is to be unveiled in London's Trafalgar Square on 19 April and will then travel on to New York. 'My intention,' declares Michel, 'is to show Islamic State that anything they can blow up we can rebuild exactly as it was before, and rebuild it again and again. We will use technology to disempower Isis.'

A replica of the famous arch has already been displayed in New York, London, Florence, and Dubai. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce and Ranking Member Eliot Engel were both on hand to unveil the monument in Washington, D.C., in September 2018:

The Institute for Digital Archaeology, together with its principal partner, the Dubai Future Foundation, documents, preserves and reconstructs heritage objects at sites throughout the Middle East and Europe around the world. It works closely with the United Nations, UNESCO, the British Council and major universities. IDA Director, Roger Michel said of today's unveiling: It is fitting that the arch has made its way to the place that symbolizes Roman-style representative democracy, an historical legacy that is reflected as much in the classical buildings of Washington as in the design of Palmyra's monumental classical arch.'

Mr Engel summed up the proceedings by declaring that 'today we stand shoulder to shoulder, our voices as one, we will not let the terrorists erase history, we are in solidarity with the people of Syria, who have been subjected to such unimaginable horror by ISIS and the Assad Regime. We need to stay committed to ending this barbarity. Projects like this recreation of the Arch of Palmyra are a critical way to celebrate these iconic pieces and keep them very much alive and present in our collective consciousness.' The arch will remain on the Mall at 6th St (opposite the National Gallery of Art) through September 29th.

This isn't the first time that the has fretted over this replica. In 2016, when the arch was momentarily displayed in New York City, the apocalyptic web site reported that the 'Temple of Baal (would) be erected in Times Square in New York City' and asserted that 'a lot of people are quite disturbed by this.'

You didn't see this on Fox News.

Kavanaugh Hearings: Ancient Arches, Child Sacrifice, and Roe v. Wade

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, 9 October 2018

On September 26, a 20 foot-tall replica of Roman Victory Arch of Palmyra was unveiled for a three-day display on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The arch perfectly framed the Capitol Building where the next day, Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Though the arch and the Senate hearings seem disconnected, there may be an underlying nefarious synchronicity bringing the idolatrous roots of the arch to the political process going on nearby.

Representative Eliot Engel (Dem-NY) spoke at the arch's unveiling ceremony, saying, 'When you look at this beautiful arch, we are seeing through the eyes of ancient civilizations, and to have it right here, set against the classical columns of the Capitol, is really extraordinary.'

Engel is also proud of many things including his efforts in pro-abortion legislation.

Engel is a homosexual Jewish gun-banner & abortionist. Nobody special.

'I am proud to be a member of the House Pro-Choice Caucus and to have a 100% voting record with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund,' Engel wrote on his website. 'In addition, I was honored to receive the Congressional Defender of Women's Rights Award from the Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion.'

The controversy surrounding Kavanaugh began well before Blasey Ford stepped forward, accusing him of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago. His nomination faced fierce opposition from the left-wing at the outset due to their fear that once he became a Supreme Court Justice, he would help overturn Roe v. Wade. Blasey Ford's allegation was used as an opportunity to prevent this and as a result, Planned Parenthood advocated strongly for Ford.

It should be remembered that Palmyra, the home of the original arch for two millennia, was a major center for idolatry, specifically the worship of Ba'al, also known as Moloch. Mentioned more than 90 times in the Bible, most notably when Elijah defeated the priests of Ba'al in a contest to bring down fire from heaven to burn a sacrifice, Ba'al became the archetypical form of idol worship. Pantheistic, his adherents worshipped Mother Nature while denying the existence of a creator. Followers of Ba'al engaged in bisexual orgies and sacrificed human infants, burning them alive. Anthropologists conjecture that the child sacrifice was to cull the population after the inevitable outcome of wanton sexuality. …

The timing is probably coincidental but I couldn't confirm how long it had been scheduled to appear.

Arch Of Baal 2020

'People think mankind has evolved and there is no connection between our world and what happened thousands of years ago,' [Rabbi Pinchas Winston] asserted. 'This leads to a feeling of hopelessness, that life is meaningless. They don't believe in the soul and they say the Bible is irrelevant. History becomes meaningless but a cursory look reveals that our world is uncannily similar to what happened in the Bible. The Bible gives a basic understanding of life.'

Arch Of Baal Locations 2019 20

Palmyra was dedicated in 32 CE to the worship of Bel. Lower levels of the ground underneath the Temple of Palmyra indicate human occupation that goes back to the third millennium BCE. Converted into a Christian church during the Byzantine Era, parts of the structure were modified into a mosque by Muslims in 1132. It remained in use as a mosque until the 1920s.

The original arch was destroyed by the Islamic State (ISIS) in October 2015, but one year later, the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) used 3-D printing technology to reproduce a 20-foot full-scale replica. Before the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, Palmyra was a popular tourist attraction, drawing 105,000 visitors a year.

The reappearance of the Arch of Palmyra has been accompanied by other startling cases of synchronicity that connect to its roots in idolatry. Its debut in April 2016 in Trafalgar Square, London for the UNESCO World Heritage Week coincided with Beltane, the primary festival for Ba'al, the pagan deity for which the Temple of Palmyra was constructed.

In addition to its association with idolatry, the recreated arch is emerging as a symbol for world government. Before its appearance in the U.S. capital, the replica arch was displayed in New York's City Hall Plaza, London's Trafalgar Square, the G7 Summit in Florence, and Dubai's World Government Summit, attracting more than 10 million visitors.

The replica arch will next be reassembled in the Hague, the site of the Dutch Parliament and the UN's International Criminal Court. The Hague is described as the City of Peace and Justice. Hosted by the Centre for Global Heritage and Development, the arch will be displayed adjacent to the ICC for one month beginning October 17. The Internet announcement of the exhibit describes the arch, a replica of the victory of Roman paganism, as 'a symbol of cultural resilience' that will stand as an inspiration to the Netherland's approximately 100,000 Syrian immigrants.

The IDA and UNESCO have paired up in other projects presenting symbols of idolatry. In November 2017, a statue of the pagan goddess Athena was reconstructed by the IDA and presented at an exhibit 'The Spirit in the Stone,' at the United Nations' headquarters in New York City. The exhibit described Athena as 'synonymous with reason, refuge and the rule of law, all of the same values on which that historic institution was built,' but the spear lying at the statue's feet belied her more common association as the goddess of war. Some scholars believe the Greek goddess was based on the Mesopotamian goddess al-Lat.


I like the shadow descending on the Capitol's dome. An ominous portent.

The Arch of Baal at Trafalgar Square, London.

Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City

By Raya Jalabi, 20 September 2016

A recreation of Palmyra's Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure.

The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford University's Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isis's rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria.

Standing at two-thirds the scale of the original, the arch is made of Egyptian marble and was built using 3D printing technology, based on photographs of the original arch. …

The arch historically served as the entrance to the … Temple of Baal, which was then converted to a Christian church and finally, a mosque.

When the Muslims murdered & enslaved the Christians of ancient Syria.

First put on display in Trafalgar Square in London last April, it will stay at City Hall park for one week, before moving to its next destination, Dubai.

The 11-tonne arch was placed in the small park directly outside of New York's city hall, in the heart of the financial district. The park is usually occupied by tourists visiting city hall and the nearby World Trade Center memorial and office workers on their lunch breaks. The arch is not roped off, allowing visitors to walk under it and touch it.

I avoided the more sensationalist reporting. Digitally preserving monuments is fine but this is… of interest. After seeing the witches of Congress give public invitations to let's-hex-Kavanaugh parties, plausibility is stretched and limber. On that note, the article continues:

In a recent statement, Roger Michael, the Executive Director of the IDA, drew parallels between the destruction of Palmyra's landmarks and the violence that has marred London and New York's landscape.

'It is our hope that the arch, itself an icon of destruction and rebirth, will remind visitors of both the universality of suffering and the indomitable human capacity to rebuild what has been lost.'

In the context of the imminent, global economic collapse, that's totally not a disturbing sentiment. Not at all.

The IDA's dedication to preservation, means it ultimately intends to return the arch to Palmyra.

At the unveiling, deputy mayor Alicia Glen said, the arch 'was a symbol that we will not stand for acts of terrorists, we will not stand to have people murdered and thrown out of their countries.'

Just two days earlier, there was a bombing in the city's Chelsea neighborhood injuring 29 people. 'What could be more appropriate than to have this symbol of freedom in front of City Hall, so close to where we had our own challenges,' Glen added.

I have closure on that bombing:

Arch of baal 2020

I like the shadow descending on the Capitol's dome. An ominous portent.

The Arch of Baal at Trafalgar Square, London.

Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City

By Raya Jalabi, 20 September 2016

A recreation of Palmyra's Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure.

The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford University's Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isis's rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria.

Standing at two-thirds the scale of the original, the arch is made of Egyptian marble and was built using 3D printing technology, based on photographs of the original arch. …

The arch historically served as the entrance to the … Temple of Baal, which was then converted to a Christian church and finally, a mosque.

When the Muslims murdered & enslaved the Christians of ancient Syria.

First put on display in Trafalgar Square in London last April, it will stay at City Hall park for one week, before moving to its next destination, Dubai.

The 11-tonne arch was placed in the small park directly outside of New York's city hall, in the heart of the financial district. The park is usually occupied by tourists visiting city hall and the nearby World Trade Center memorial and office workers on their lunch breaks. The arch is not roped off, allowing visitors to walk under it and touch it.

I avoided the more sensationalist reporting. Digitally preserving monuments is fine but this is… of interest. After seeing the witches of Congress give public invitations to let's-hex-Kavanaugh parties, plausibility is stretched and limber. On that note, the article continues:

In a recent statement, Roger Michael, the Executive Director of the IDA, drew parallels between the destruction of Palmyra's landmarks and the violence that has marred London and New York's landscape.

'It is our hope that the arch, itself an icon of destruction and rebirth, will remind visitors of both the universality of suffering and the indomitable human capacity to rebuild what has been lost.'

In the context of the imminent, global economic collapse, that's totally not a disturbing sentiment. Not at all.

The IDA's dedication to preservation, means it ultimately intends to return the arch to Palmyra.

At the unveiling, deputy mayor Alicia Glen said, the arch 'was a symbol that we will not stand for acts of terrorists, we will not stand to have people murdered and thrown out of their countries.'

Just two days earlier, there was a bombing in the city's Chelsea neighborhood injuring 29 people. 'What could be more appropriate than to have this symbol of freedom in front of City Hall, so close to where we had our own challenges,' Glen added.

I have closure on that bombing:

New York (CNN)Convicted New York City bomber Ahmad Khan Rahimi was sentenced to multiple life sentences in prison by a federal judge on Tuesday.

Rahimi, 30, was previously found guilty of eight federal charges in connection with a September 2016 bombing that injured 30 in the Chelsea neighborhood.

'The nature of the crime was heinous, wanton and life-threatening … it's inexplicable that anyone would do that intentionally,' said US District Judge Richard Berman.

Rahimi, a Muslim who federal prosecutors say attempted to radicalize other jail inmates while awaiting sentencing, also was ordered to pay about $563,000 to victims.

Rahimi spoke to the judge, saying he didn't come from Afghanistan as a child with hate in his heart.

Arch Of Baal Locations

'I grew up amongst you guys, when I started following (my religion), practicing it. That's when I started' noticing discrimination, Rahimi said in his emotionless five-minute statement. He became a naturalized US citizen in 2011.

Rahimi talked about being targeted for being a Muslim, mentioning he was always picked out in airports by security.

Arch Of Baal Locations 2019 2020

Sudden Jihad Syndrome. He got tired of airport security looking twice at 'Akmed son of Mohammed' so he blew up 30 people to prove them wrong. 'I plead not guilty. The infidel looked at me funny while eating a ham sandwich.' (not a real quote)

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